The Co-creators

...and, one day I found out that there are people out there dreaming my dream. So I joined to make it real. How about you? Have you found your co-dreamers? Are you ready to start co-creating it?
Biliana Vassileva
Co-dreamer at Impact Hub Geneva Association

My motivation for the We are preparing an event which will be innovative in its format (formal events of int. orgz have become tasteless, sometimes absurd) + we prepare it in an innovative way, with open-minded people + we have the task to uncover really cool innovations, while embracing prototyping, failures to learn from, as well as high-impact, possibly scalable solutions! What can be more exciting than that?
Raphaël Dard
Cofounder at ITC Innovation Lab

Together we have everything we need to achieve the SDGs. We have the money and we have the technology. All we need is partnerships and changing the way we think and work together! Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. Don’t be afraid - join!
Raimund Moser
Cofounder at ITC Innovation Lab

I am excited to be part of as I have been inspired by this fantastic concept to try and make a difference and help to change the world faster....
Roxana Statham ticks all the boxes for me: I love challenges. ✓ Achieving the SDGs by 2030 certainly is a challenge. I love being surrounded by inspiring people ✓ The team is definitely a group I can learn a lot from. I love finding solutions ✓ The is all about co-creation of solutions for accelerating progress towards the SDGs. I love trying something new ✓ The is all about trying unconventional approaches in order to create something truly innovative. And lastly, I truly care about our goal: Accelerating progress towards the SDGs. ✓
Elena Mayer-Besting
Innovator at ITC Innovation Lab

I strongly believe that the UN Sustainable Development Goals can only be reached if we work together jointly - breaking down silos between different sectors, mindsets and topics. Geneva is very well suited to bring all kinds of dreamers, planners and doers together. I am excited for and happy to be part of this wonderful team. 🙂
Dora Tüz
Fundraising and wherever support is needed, Impact Hub Geneva

As a responsible and concerned member of our planet's population I have heard enough data, debates and quibbling ... Concerted and collaborative action is needed to halt the collective damage we are causing and to be a catalyst for positive change. Why am I with As relevant, innovative, bold and courageous action is necessary, in terms of how we manage our collective resources resources, responsibly. I wish to support the efforts of this community - here in Geneva - and change paradigms and have impact required beyond; to be a force for good. Think crazy, think big, dare, challenge status quo and incremental change eye on where we want to go! I believe is a platform for this.
Simone Reeves is a way to bring together the unique resources and knowledge of the Geneva area in order to tackle the Sustainable Development Goals. I believe the partnerships, networks, and ideas that can be developed through this event can truly elevate our efforts to achieve the SDGs.
Katie Schlinder
Graduate Institute, Geneva & Head of Finances for Just Innovate|C4SI

International and interdisciplinary co-creation can radically accelerate the realisation of the SDGs. It additionally turns diversity & inclusion from a moral obligation into a fundamental necessity. showcases and lives these innovative and self-managed ways of collaboration across organisations, topics and cultures in a directly experienceable 1-day format.
Daniel Dobos is unique. It is a chance to truly change the world. A chance to rethink the future. Image the unimaginable. Dare to dream bigger. Say what needs to be said. Do what needs to be done! Geneva is the house of thousands of people who, like me, what to make the world a better place for all. As such, it has incredible potential to become the centre of disruptive change. offers the platform need for collective action. Who said 2020 wasn't possible?
Vivian Marcelino
Cofounder at ITC Innovation Lab

The is such a great concept and I cannot keep myself away from it! Given the complexity of challenges that this world faces, conventional approach in problem solving simply cannot catch up with the pace. We need innovation and we need competition to move things forward. Let's make Geneva the role model city and scale up globally!
Marie Cheung
Strategic Partnerships, World Economic Forum

Innovation requires the courage to take risks and the curiosity to invent. The Geneva community could greatly benefit, by risking closer collaboration and collective innovation. Perhaps we have a lot to learn and gain from each that's waiting to be realised.
Daniel Stein

I decided to join convinced of the need for more collaborative an innovative thinking to speed-up the implementation of the SDGs. Is like the proverb: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. aims to provide the right environment to spur creativity, challenge your imagination using a range of innovative formats while presenting impactful solutions with potential for scaling. To me this is pretty exciting. Do you want to make part of our journey?
Adriana De Oro
from the Global Humanitarian Lab
I used to support causes or associations that I believe in through my design skills. I always looking for people and places where curiosity, co-creation and strong will are united to develop a new way to see the world. appears to be a perfect place for it all.
Salômé Guillemin-Poeuf

I am excited to see various organizations and sectors come together to create innovative solutions to some of the world's most pressing issues. I believe that a platform for collaboration is crucial in order to accomplish the SDG goals.
Nimita Uberoi
Logistics Team

As an engineer developing new products for improving lives, I work around the world in poor communities where the meeting the SDGs earlier would really make a difference. We can do this, and I look forward to putting myself out of work in the process!
Charlie Sellers
Development Engineer is a new and unique way for anyone in region - individuals and organizations - to join forces in taking action towards the achievement of the SDGs.
Felix Stähli
Cofounder of Impact Hub Geneva

Resource-rich Geneva with its human and financial capital is not only a place from which we could or should set action around the SDGs in motion - it's a place from which we HAVE to initiate change. Because if we can't make it happen, who can?
Laura Groebel
Innovator at the International Trade Center (ITC)

Why am I in the I've been in the business world all my life. When the SDGs were published last year with another 15 year timescale, it seemed a lot like the UN was in "business as usual" mode. If we set a much more ambitious target, like say, 2020, you have to throw the rulebook out of the window and try different ways. Technological innovation has been surpassed by social innovation in the last few years. The way we do things is now at least as important as what we do. New ways of collaborating allow individuals to be more agile than large organisations, then scale up rapidly to make lasting change. So with a focus on accelerating the SDGs and the right framework enabling exponential innovation we can change the world a lot faster than we think.
Paul Bristow
Cofounder of Pangloss Labs

When we are connected to our true purpose we can make a difference; as one friend of mine once said, ’it is like a murmuration of starlings: it looks big, but look closer and you will see it is really made up of thousands and thousands of smaller individual actions and choices’; I am making my part to leave to our children a better world that the one we inherited from our parents. Getting engaged in the implementation of UN’s SDGs is the perfect playground. Game on!
Gianluca Grifi
partner -

Passion, curiosity and vitality drive me everyday! I want to be involved in the challenge believing it is the perfect innovative and collaborative reality where disruptive visions emerge.
Sharon Ambrosio
Content Team!

Naturally impatient I cannot wait to see global society overcoming poverty, inequality and stop polluting its own habitat. People from different fields are working on achieving exactly that. I believe that by bringing together their expertise, and promoting cooperation and co-creation we can plant new ideas and implement action that will shorten the path towards economic, social and environmental sustainability. aims for this by promoting an innovative approach and connecting people in Geneva which provides the perfect grounds to utilize different expertise and tap into full potential towards achieving the SDGs
Marina Mischarin
Innovator at ITC Innovation Lab

I believe in co-creation. Taking into consideration all the facets of the world is impossible as we are finite human beings. Working together, I discovered other views and learnt to understand them as well as to collaborate. 1+1 becomes 3 and I am convinced that we will help accelerate the SDGs for a better world.
Jihyeon Kim

Geneva has the potential to become a leading hub for social innovation and sustainable development the same way Silicon Valley has become a leading ecosystem for high-tech research and enterprises. And is spearheading this transformation by committing to radically accelerate progress towards the global goals. I can imagine nothing more difficult to attempt, and nothing better worth attempting.
Faly Ranaivoson
Cross-pollinator at Pangloss Labs

I joined because my vision for the future of our planet is at least as ambitious as the SDGs - therefore maintaining the status quo is not an option. With we want to disrupt and re-invent the way we have thought, worked and collaborated in the past in order to create something as great as the ambitions set by the SDGs.
Elena Antoni
Economic Research Fellow, UN Environment (UNEP)

Most people agree that things need to change to continue inhabiting this planet. brings us a way to turn our words and good intentions into action. People achieve more and better things when they collaborate, share rather than compete. I'm excited to co-create with local and international Geneva.
Dieuwke Vos
Graduate Institute, Geneva

I decided to join because it is a fantastic opportunity to link up different Geneva communities to innovate and work collectively for the SDGs. Geneva has it all to make innovation work for the SDGs – international & local organisations, well-established & start-up businesses, world-class knowledge institutions, resources and diverse communities involved in innovation and sustainable development – and is inspiring these actors to co-create for sustainable development.
Marta Pérez Cusó

AprèsGE is an important local actor in the sustainability scene of Geneva and works towards the recognition of a social and solidarity economy in the region. It counts around 300 organizations (associations, cooperatives, foundations, sarl and SA) and around 250 individual members that commit to a very high standard of sustainability when joining the organization. Our partnership with is a great opportunity for us to show all of our sustainable and local services companies (foods, materials, decorations, equipment) – to create an event that is authentic in its message that we need to act differently and decisively if we want to accelerate the reaching of the SDGs.
Fanny Bernard
La Chambre de l'économie sociale et solidaire Après-Ge, Logistic team
I am excited to take part in an action aimed to accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in an innovative way. Especially, since it is the first edition of, our team can practice new innovative ideas and approaches. Furthermore, as I have long been involved within the local and other diverse communities that make Geneva unique, I like the idea of creating synergies between them under the common banner ‘let's build an equitable and sustainable world together'.
Fatima Bambo-Jaïtay
Communications & media relations

The SDGs provide a global framework for the upcoming years that is going to drive collective action towards a creating a sustainable world. I firmly believe that this can only be achieved through forging and redefining partnerships and co-creation for the Global Goals.
Ghislaine Nicolaas
University of Geneva is the perfect occasion to bring together every actor of Geneva, from International Organizations to Civil Society. Meeting open-minded people from different areas is vital to achieve the SDGs, because it's only through our collective impact that we can really make a difference. I'm helping out because I want to see a Geneva where everybody works together to co-create a better future. See you at the event!
Jay Burton
Marketing / Design
We are individuals who are working (in our day jobs) in organizations such as the U.N. Office in Geneva, the International Trade Centre, the Global Humanitarian Lab, CERN/Idea Square, THE Port, Pangloss Labs, Impact Hub Geneva, U.N. Environment Program(UNEP), U.N. Development Program (UNDP), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Geneva Creativity Center and others.
We believe that our stake in supporting the SDGs goes beyond our professional jobs. Thus we decided to create in our private capacity in an inclusive co-creation process. To which anyone is invited to join. And more do every month.