In the past years, various International Organisations have put in place innovation hubs, dedicated spaces to catalyze co-creation and innovation. In this discussion round, we want to explore the role of innovation hubs to initiate systemic change within the ecosystem of international organisations and beyond. The session will provide an opportunity to share experiences, learn from each other and connect with the wider innovation and social impact community. UN Environment, the International Trade Centre (ITC) and UNICEF will present impulse-pitches, followed by small-group discussions.
Faciliated by Vivian Marcelo, Innovator at the ITC Innovation Lab
What are the Solutions Fair Discussion rounds?
Discussion rounds provide a platform for social innovators to engage and exchange thoughts and ideas around a certain topic. Discussion rounds will take place in the Discussion Round Lounge, 1st floor. Please note that we limit the overall number of participants to 15-20.